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Ontology language/Langage d'ontologies in areas (2017-06-06)

Chan Le Duc, Decidability of SHI with transitive closure of roles, in: Proc. 6th conference on european semantic web conference (ESWC), Heraklion (GR), (Lora Aroyo, Paolo Traverso, Fabio Ciravegna, Philipp Cimiano, Tom Heath, Eero Hyvönen, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Marta Sabou, Elena Simperl (eds), Proc. 6th european conference on semantic web (ESWC ), Lecture notes in computer science 5554, 2009), pp368-383, 2009
[BibTeX:leduc2009a][DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-02121-3_29] [Show abstract]
Semantic web/Web sémantique, Ontology language/Langage d'ontologies
Jérôme Euzenat, Semantic web semantics, Lecture notes, université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (FR), 190p., 2007
Semantic web/Web sémantique, Semantic web queries/Interrogation du web sémantique, Ontology language/Langage d'ontologies, Ontology matching/Alignement d'ontologies, Semantics/Sémantique
Masahiro Hori, Jérôme Euzenat, Peter Patel-Schneider, OWL Web Ontology Language XML Presentation Syntax, Note, Worldwide web consortium, Cambridge (MA US), 2003
[BibTeX:hori2003a] [Show abstract]
Object-based knowledge representation/Représentation de connaissance par objets, XML, Transformations, Ontology language/Langage d'ontologies
Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Jérôme Euzenat, Ontology Language Integration: A Constructive Approach, in: Proc. KI workshop on Applications of Description Logics, Wien (AT), 2001
[BibTeX:stuckenschmidt2001a] [Show abstract]
Semantic web/Web sémantique, Object-based knowledge representation/Représentation de connaissance par objets, Semantic properties/Propriétés sémantiques, Family of languages/Famille de langages, Ontology language/Langage d'ontologies